Projects in Italy
Renewable energy in Italy
The leading technologies

58 GW
8th in the world in terms of renewable capacity

Approx. 22 GW

Approx. 21 GW

As early as -2014 Italy reached the European target for 2020 of 17% renewable energies

The market is a developing market in terms of financing, development, construction, and operation, which makes it possible to accelerate penetration of renewable energies in a relatively short time

There are stable and developed regulatory and statutory systems in Italy which allow for the efficient promotion of renewable initiatives

The combination of a developed market with good radiation statistics facilitates competitive LCOE values for solar power systems
The volume of operations in Italy Approx. 270 MW of assets
Italy - Assets under Development
Project pipeline of ~715MWdc, ~317 MWdc with secured land of which ~195 MW has secured land and grid connection

Italy - Yielding asset acquisition and improvement
Acquisition of ~19.2MWdc (M NIS)