Projects in USA

Electricity in the U.S. Shift to renewable energies

The power market in the U.S

In 2020, U.S. solar electricity generation is at ~3.3%

Solar electricity generation is expected to reach 11.1% in 2030 and ~20% in 2050.

Solar technology is the main growth engine in U.S. electricity generation.

Solegreen’s U.S. Penetration Strategy

Renewable energy is experiencing significant momentum in the U.S. with a forecast of substantial growth in the solar industry (shift from ~3.3% production today to ~20% in 2050)

Solegreen entered the local market through an investment in Kuubix, which will serve as its local arm with its significant, immediate presence and multi-state distribution toward rapidly promoting multiple and concurrent projects.

 Kuubix operates along the value chain through various departments (sales, development, engineering, permit promotion, establishment extensive (service) call center, operations and more).

Synergies – Solegreen intends to utilize two operative arms:

Operational arm (Kuubix)  – Initiating, developing and establishing commercial projects while accelerating operations in domestic systems.

Assets Arm (Solegreen USA, fully owned by Solegreen) – The company operates and will own all of the yielding assets (from operation/construction readiness) throughout the operation period.

Initially focusing on high profit segments (domestic and commercial) with enhanced growth potential.

Significant storage system integration potential

Opportunities in the domestic market

Market Size

Second largest market in the U.S,  19 giga ~24% of the U.S. market in 2020

Growth Rate

A market that is expected8 to grow 10% Y/Y over the next 5 years to become a $6B market.

Profitability Retention and Growth Potential

Soft costs comprise the majority in domestic systems (~63%), which may enable saving and increasing profitability over time.

Kuubix -Significant company in the domestic market

Currently active in California, the largest market in the U.S. (~30% of the market) and other states. Kuubix reports substantial operations in 2020 with $35.5M revenues and ~$9M gross profit

Significant growth plan for the upcoming years with a revenue target of ~$80-100M in 2021 and gross profit of ~$15-25M. Growth plan for additional states

Strategic deployment in key states with rapid expansion capabilities to other states

In the current markets, Kuubix has access to an additional market potential of ~65 giga

Operating Forecast - Domestic Systems