Projects in Israel

Solegreen owns approx. 61 installed MW of income-producing and grid-connected projects, tens of megawatts of projects under construction, and approx. 785 MW of projects at various stages of development, including approx. 210 installed MW won in a competitive process for PV and energy storage.

Operations in Israel

Ground-mounted projects

The Company initiates and develops ground-mounted projects by locating plots of land, signing agreements with communities, securing sources of financing, and obtaining the regulatory and statutory permits and licenses required for their construction. The construction process involves engaging with construction and maintenance contractors, planning the work, executing the procurement, and the actual construction and management of the project. Upon completion of the project’s construction, the Company arranges for the management, operation and maintenance of the power generation systems, to keep them in good working order and to maximize the power output they produce.

Zrahia ground-mounted field

11.2 MW

Neve Mivtah ground-mounted field

14.3 MW

Sde Nahum ground-mounted field

3.5 MW

Shoval ground-mounted field

10.3 MW

Dual-use projects

The Company is working to initiate and develop hundreds of commercial rooftop systems and water reservoirs in Israel on the basis of the PUA-E’s tariff regulation, with a guaranteed tariff for 25 years and on the basis of self-use regulations. The Company is working to develop additional dual-use projects in the field of energy storage and the combination of agricultural crops with power generation.

Water reservoirs

Hasolelim 1

0.7 MW

Hasolelim 2

0.93 MW

Commercial rooftops
Solegreen Rooftops

Solegreen Rooftops (Rakia Solar), was founded in 2020 in partnership with Sun Green, in order to lead development operations in the rooftop solar industry in Israel. Together with Solegreen’s current rooftop assets, the group will manage and operate close to 25 installed MW of rooftop solar systems across Israel. The Company owns another portfolio of hundreds of rooftop projects in various stages of development. The Company is working to expand its operations in the rooftop solar industry in Israel by increasing the portfolio of rooftops and acquiring active rooftop solar systems.

Sde Nahum rooftop system

0.8 MW

Sde Yoav rooftop system

0.8 MW

329 rooftop systems


Moran rooftop systems

0.8 MW

Agri Pv

In recent years, the possibility has been explored of combining uses in a manner in which photo-voltaic facilities will be installed on agricultural land, on top of and in combination with various types of agricultural crops.

In view of the need for available vacant land, which is a diminishing resource, for the construction of facilities for power generation facilities from renewable energies, a solution is required for the optimization of land usage.

The Company is now active in promoting the industry in Israel and is also working to promote it as part of projects around the world, including through the construction of pioneering facilities which will integrate agricultural studies to examine the feasibility and agricultural impact on the crops themselves.


Solegreen Smart Energy is the executive, entrepreneurial and innovation arm of Solegreen, for the storage and smart microgrid management sector. The company promotes commercial-industrial projects and collaborates with municipal entities, primarily Kibbutzim. Our vision is to set up a national, smart, distributed, storage-based grid – a national system of storage facilities to be installed at consumers’ sites, enabling optimization and cost-savings.

Any customer unable to build on-site storage facilities will be able to connect to our supply services as a virtual power provider, and enjoy cheap, green electricity.

Storage facility - Kedmat Zvi